Microsoft DocsVisual C++ DocumentationVisual C++ in Visual StudioC++ Language ReferenceMicrosoft-Specific ModifiersCalling ConventionsArgument Passing and Naming Conventions__clrcall.NET Programming with C++/CLI (Visual C++)Native and .NET InteroperabilityMixed (Native and Managed) AssembliesDouble Thunking (C++) CallingConvention Enumeration C++/CLI and mixed mode programming Speed up mixed mod..
Windows Dev CenterDevelop Windows desktop applicationsDevelop desktop applicationsAPI IndexWindows API IndexMSDN LibraryDevelopment Tools and LanguagesVisual Studio 2015Visual C++ in Visual Studio 2015C/C++ Language and Standard LibrariesC Run-Time Library ReferenceRun-Time Routines by CategoryAlphabetical Function ReferenceMFC and ATLMFC Desktop ApplicationsHierarchy ChartMFC ClassesATL/MFC Sha..
기본 자료형의 size를 byte 단위로 표시해보자. 참고 : [C#]Reference Tables for TypesDefault Values 참고 : [Java]Primitive Data TypesClass NumberClass BooleanClass Character 참고 : [C++]Fundamental TypesData Type RangesInteger Limits // C# : Built-In Typesusing System; namespace Sharp1{ class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("sizeof(byte) : " + sizeof(byte) + " bytes"); Console.WriteLine("s..
# Python 3 : Generator def infinite_generator(): count = 0 while True: count += 1 yield count gen = infinite_generator()print(type(gen)) # print(next(gen)) # 1print(next(gen)) # 2print(next(gen)) # 3print(next(gen)) # 4 """ Output1234"""
# Python 3 : Generator def my_generator(): yield 1 yield 2 yield 3 for i in my_generator(): print(i) """ Output123""" # Python 3 : Generator def my_generator(): yield 1 yield 2 yield 3 gen = my_generator()print(type(gen)) # for i in gen: print(i) """ Output123""" # Python 3 : Generator def my_generator(): yield 1 yield 2 yield 3 gen = my_generator() print(next(gen)) # 1print(next(gen)) # 2print(..
# Python 3 : Iterator class CountDown: def __init__(self, top: int): self.current = top + 1 def __iter__(self) -> 'CountDown': return self def __next__(self) -> int: self.current -= 1 if self.current < 0: raise StopIteration else: return self.current if __name__ == '__main__': c1 = CountDown(3) print(type(c1)) # for i in c1: print(i) # 3 2 1 0 c2 = CountDown(3) print(next(c2)) # 3 print(next(c2)..